Skank Skates - Established 1988 - (217) 522-RAMP


  • During the week, the ramp is open most weekday evenings.
  • On the weekends, the ramp is open afternoons and evenings.
  • The cost is $10 per person.
  • Please call (217) 522-RAMP to make sure the ramp is open before coming down.
You can have your own private party at Skank Skates! Private Parties should be scheduled before or after normal hours. The cost is $32/hour (1hr Minimum) or $55/hour with upstairs pool table and party room included. Please call (217) 522-RAMP to schedule your party.
  • No Toy Skateboards
  • No Toy Rollerblades
  • Bikes with pegs are $1 extra per peg
Skank Skates © 2022
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Visitors Since December 2005